Just a little while longer.....(part 7.5)

(Author's note: I just realized I really like "author's note:" haha, it's nice to send little messages to you frens! Okay, back to business. So, on my last post, ya'll asked for me to write about why -sorry my Grammarly tried to change 'asked' to "be asked" what?! You're stupid Grammarly, what the heck. Who says, "ya'll be asked"?---anyways! As I was saying...-since when did more than 3 periods become wrong!!!-Okay breathe, happy thoughts, happy thoughts, okay. So, you asked why Josh and Tyler were in detention. This is that story. By the way...I'm sorry. *evil grin* *incredibly wicked laugh that I cannot do in real life* *rubbing hands together* *evil things evil characters do* Alright I'm done with the little star things. Hehehehe

************************************************************************(I lied)

Wednesday.(Again. I'm sorry, wait- why am I writing in italic? Nevermind, I like it. Ooh, bold italic...)

     Josh rolled out of bed, his hair sticking up everywhere. He didn't have an alarm clock even if he

did, he wouldn't've used it. As much as people thought he was a slob, he was able to wake up at

6:30am every morning to workout. It was a great routine, and he loved it.

     However, Tyler had asked him to come over for a special surprise. Josh sighed unhappily. He

would have to skip his workout today, but at least he could hang out with Ty.

    He slipped on his sneakers and walked through the front door into the crisp morning air.

He was still in his gym shorts and PJ shirt, but it was 6:32am, no one was awake anyway.

He went to Tyler's house, the route so familiar he didn't even have to think.

    Josh climbed the secret ladder to Tyler's room and fell through the already open window.

"Hey, Josh!"

Josh smiled at Tyler's excited greeting. It had to be something if Tyler had woken up earlier than 7am.

"Hey, Ty, so, whatcha got for me?" Josh whispered.

Tyler looked at him with bright eyes and breathed, "I made something."

Josh's eyes widened in excitement, "You did?"

Tyler nodded happily.

"Well, can I see it?"

Tyler blushed. "I, I, um, if you.....if you really....re..really want to....you...you....can....I...suppose..."

     Josh's heart melted at Tyler's insecurity. "Of course, I want to see it! Please, Ty?" Josh then

initiated his signature puppy eyes that no one had ever resisted.

    Tyler looked at Josh's cute face and couldn't even think of saying 'no'. "Okay," Tyler said shyly.

Josh inhaled sharply. "Okay," he said rubbing his hands together. "Let me see it."

Tyler blushed again. "Um, well its...its...not..to...to...see...I..I..sang..," he looked at Josh cautiously.

Josh looked at him incredulously. "Really?" Josh had never doubted Tyler's ability to sing. He had

heard him sing before, yeah it was just goofing off, but it had been beautiful. He couldn't wait to hear


Tyler wrung his hands, grabbed a pillow and smashed it against his face. "Nev-nd-I'm-do-du--"

Josh could hardly understand him with his face covered, but it sounded like he wasn't happy.

"Tyler? Ty."

Tyler looked at him, embarrassed. "You'll hate it, I know you will, Josh."

"No I won't, I know I will love it. Please show me. I'd love to hear you sing."

Tyler got up, grabbed his laptop and gave it to Josh. Then he ran over to his bed and hid under the


Josh pressed play and listened.

I know
Where you stand
In the trees
And that's
Where I am
In the trees

Josh listened intently. What song was that? He had never heard it before, but it was

Tyler's voice and it was.....amazing.

"Tyler, what song is this from?"

Tyler peeked out from under the covers. "I wrote it."

Josh's jaw dropped. He could hardly believe Tyler had created that. But then again, he really could

believe it. Tyler was, IS, incredibly talented. Josh knew Tyler was special, but this was something

else. It was angelic.

   Tyler walked over and shut the laptop. "Like I said, it's not even good.."

Josh shook his head vigorously. "It was Amazing Tyler. I loved it. Truly."

Tyler looked at him suspiciously. "You're not just saying that?"

Josh rolled his eyes. "I'm your best friend. Would I lie to you?"

Tyler nodded. "I...I don't know what to say...Um, thank you."

Josh smiled. "Thank you."


Later that day.

Josh and Tyler were in their class doing a test when Josh started humming Tyler's song. He couldn't

help it. He could not stop thinking about it.

   Tyler heard him humming and blushed. That was HIS song. Josh really did like it.

Unfortunately, the teacher, Mrs Xenon did not like people blushing and humming during a test.

"Mr Dun. Mr Joseph. There will be no shenanigans or distractions. Detention. Both of you."

Josh and Tyler looked at each other confused.

Mrs Xenon frowned. "Back to work, boys!"

Josh and Tyler both sighed and went back to the boring test.

But Tyler's song stayed in both their minds......and Josh wanted, no, needed to hear more...


  1. That teacher has no appreciation for the finer arts. She needs detention.

  2. Puppy eyes? *nods head sagely* yes, I can see that. Josh and Tyler are so wonderful! I love how you portray them! Keep up the good work!

  3. O my gosh! Tyler is so precious! I feel like he needs a hug. So glad he has Josh. Please keep writing!

  4. I'm glad you enjoyed it!! I will write, very soon hehehe


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