Insomnia for the Clique

     Tyler lay in bed that night, the same song still in his head. He hummed it softly, little rhymes and

notes coming together like a puzzle.

     Jenna sat up in bed and looked at him sleepily. "You're still awake?"

Tyler nodded guiltily. "I have this song in my head, it's keeping me up."

Jenna smiled knowingly. "You miss them, huh?"

Tyler feigned confusion, "What? Who do I miss?"

Jenna rolled her eyes. "The Clique, obviously."

Tyler smiled sheepishly. "I just hope they stick around." 

Jenna sighed. "They will. You give them hope and a way to express themselves. They love you Ty."

Tyler nodded, not fully convinced. "Sometimes I wonder if going on hiatus was the right choice," He

paused, looking at the love of his life. "I mean-"

Jenna put a finger to his lips. "They understand, they want you to rest and be happy. Don't worry

about it Tyler."

Tyler smiled at Jenna, "You always say the right thing."

Jenna giggled. "Go to sleep, you dork."

Tyler grinned at her and pulled the covers up to his chin. "Goodnight, love," he whispered softly.

Jenna laid back down and sighed contentedly, "Goodnight."

         Within a few minutes, Jenna was sound asleep. Tyler got up and quickly wrote down a few

notes, satisfied, he jumped back in bed, the song cemented in his mind.


  1. I can easily see this happening. :) Hope he doesn't worry too much. I'll be here when they get back from this hiatus thing.

  2. I hope we don't make him worry too much. :( I'm glad he has Jenna.

    I love your posts, by the way. :)

  3. Jenna is cute. Tyler is cute. And now I'm crying because I love them so much.


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